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Topology and Geometry seminar

Welcome to the Topology and Geometry seminar.

Our seminar is held in Little Hall room 368,
Tuesdays during Period 5 (11:45-12:35).

Seminar organizer: Alex Dranishnikov

Spring 2025 schedule:

January 14N/AOrganizational Meeting
January 21No seminar
January 28Jonathan Scott, Cleveland State UnivSimplicial loop spaces
February 4Basak Gurel, Univ of Central FloridaInvariant Sets and Hyperbolic periodic Orbits
February 11Zach ThomasVectorizations in Persistent Homology Through Dual Spaces
February 18Henry AdamsWhen do Hausdorff and Gromov-Hausdorff distances coincide?
February 25Hubert WagnerApproximations in Bregman geometry
March 4Lorenzo Ruffoni,
Bingahmton University
A Singer conjecture for right-angled Coxeter groups with nerve a surface
March 11Nicolo ZavaDimension of the Gromov-Hausdorff space and applications to computational topology
March 25Ekansh Jauhari
April 1Peter Bubenik
April 8Sai Bavisetty,
UF Shands
April 15Luca Di Cerbo
April 22Wanchen Zhao

Fall 2024 schedule:

August 27N/AOrganizational Meeting
September 10Henry AdamsPersistent equivaraint cohomology I
September 17Adi DeSahaPersistent equivariant cohomolory II
September 24Hubert WagnerUnderstanding Higher-Order Interactions in Information Space
October 1Ekansh JauhariOn distributional Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of manifolds
October 8Barbara Giunti, SUNY AlbanyProjective approximations
October 15Sucharita MallickAnti-Vietoris--Rips metric thickenings and Borsuk graphs
October 22Tuyen PhamPotential definitions the Bregman--Hausdorff divergence
October 29Yeor HafutaCancelled
November 5Chris Kapulin, Univ of Western OntarioIntroduction to Homotopy Type Theory
November 12Daniel Carranza, Johns Hopkins UnivNonexistence of colimits in naive discrete homotopy theory
November 19Aaron ThrasherPrice Inequality and the Growth of Harmonic Functions on Nonpositively Curved Manifolds
December 3